Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Next up....

will be a garden shed and a barn for the creatures. Don got his hands on an old timber-frame, lettered and numbered and, hopefully, ready to put together like a set of tinker toys. It is the frame only, so we will use our pine boards for the sides. It will be nice to have a place to keep the garden tools down by the garden, and a more permanent structure for the creatures. Although you know what they say, there is nothing more permanent than a temporary garage (which currently houses the turkeys and hay bales). It is scheduled to be re-purposed as a hoop house.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Sure signs of spring

It's been one of those winters that plays leap frog with spring. But gradually spring is taking over, and there are all sorts of signs of it...like taking the sap taps OUT of the trees, the spring beauty daintily opening on the forest floor, and daffodils piercing through the packed down leafs of last fall.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

21 Days and Counting

The incubator is warmed up and running....keeping 7 chicken eggs with the proper humidity, warmth, and turning schedule. A real mama chicken couldn't do it any better. I will keep you posted over the next 21 days as to the healthy and viability of our little embryos.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hopelessly Hacked

Sometime late Sunday afternoon, a person with little productive to do, hacked into my Sherman Hollow Organic Farm website and hijacked everything there. And, despite a contract with my web-hosting company whom I paid to keep back-ups, they were unable to produce one. Needless to say, I was madder than a hornets nest. But, anger wouldn't accomplish retrieving my web site content so instead I opted for my money back. Now I am back out in the large and frightening marketplace of web hosting sites looking for a manageable and affordable place to hang my domain name. Come back in a week or two and look for us back up and on-line with a whole new look, and lots of newly bottled syrup for sale. At least the company removed the obscene dancing stick figures and annoying music the hacker had put in the place of my site.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sunday Breakfast of Pancakes and Syrup, plus more Boiling and Bottling

The sugaring season is winding down, so it was a full day to try and boil as much sap a possible and start the bottling process. Fueled by some pancakes and syrup right out of the bottler at 9 AM gave us a great start. By 9 PM the dregs had been emptied out of the evaporator and syrup bottles stood ready to label.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

A Visit from the Wild Side

Our 'girls' were visited from some cousins who came in from the wild for an extended visit on Friday morning. I'm not sure if they were invited back. That's our girls on the right, and the visitors on the left. Even after the wild ones retreated to the woods, calling back and forth continued. Maybe they will keep in touch.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Beer and Syrup

Boys boiling while drinking beer Turn sap to syrup and steam.


While I was watching Easter sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean, Don, Pat and crew were watching the first steam rise from the newly built sugar house. Easter weekend was the appropriate start to our long awaited goal of boiling our own sap in our own sugar house. A beginning of many years of Sherman Hollow Farms Organic Maple Syrup 100% produced on site!


good 'ole Nike, we miss you!